Just because you have a perfectly clean, analysis-ready dataset, it doesn't mean that your data are sensible, fit-for-purpose and meet real-life rules.
In this course you're going to learn how to make these checks, run preliminary analyses on your data so you understand the underlying 'story' of the data - even before your 'real' analyses have begun.
I’ll teach you how to check that your data follow these rules.
I'll also teach you how to identify and remove outliers automatically, so you know that the results you get are real, and not skewed by rogue datapoints.
The steps you’ll learn in this course are very simple to follow, but are extremely effective, so you’ll know that you’re getting to the true story of the data, saving you weeks of misery!
Video lessons
Downloadable resources
Certificate of completion
Interactive experience
Perfect for beginners
- Content
- Excel
- Python & R
- Outcomes
- CertificatE
- 14D2C2
This course is about teaching you how to check that your data are valid, sensible and fit-for purpose by making sure that they meet real-life rules.
Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re going to learn:
Here's what you'll learn:
you’ll learn how to remove unwanted text data from your dataset
you’ll learn how to check that your data are sensible and fit-for-purpose
you’ll learn how to remove outliers with one super-slick ninja move
Your Curriculum
Introduction to Data Integrity |
An introduction to this course and to the 14 Day Data Cleaning Challenge!
Open Access
Introduction to Data Validation
Removing Unwanted Text Entries |
In this chapter you'll learn how to remove unwanted text entries that contaminate your data
Free Plan
How to Remove Unwanted Text Entries |
Check that Your Numerical Data are Sensible |
The focus in this chapter is on how to check that your data are sensible and fit real-life rules
Check that Your Numerical Data are Sensible |
How to Remove Statistical Outliers |
The focus in this chapter is on automatically identifying and removing outliers that will skew the underlying 'story' of your data
How to Remove Statistical Outliers |
Course Recap
In this chapter you'll recap all the techniques you've learned
A Recap of Everything in This Course
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