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Refer A Friend

Lee Baker - CEO Chi-Squared Innovations



​Chi-Squared Innovations

​Do you know someone who could benefit from our services? 
Then why not refer them to us - you could receive a substantial referral commission!

Why refer someone to us?

Well, it's pretty simple really - you'll get paid for it
If you know of someone that is having difficulty with data and you introduce us to them you could benefit from a percentage of the fee that they paid us to help them out. It's sort of a win-win-win situation - your friend gets help when they need it, we get paid to help them out and you get paid for making the introduction

It might just be the easiest wodge of cash you've ever earned!

How much can I get paid?

You will be paid 10% of the net value of our services up to a maximum of £1,000 per referral - and there's no limit to the number of referrals you can make!

If you wish to refer someone to us, contact us here - we're waiting for your email:

​Here's the small print:

  • ​​To qualify for a referral commission the referrer must identify the referred customer to Chi-Squared Innovations directly by means of email, fax, letter or in-person introduction
  • ​A referrer may not refer himself or herself
  • ​A referrer that continues to have an ongoing role in the relationship between the referred customer and Chi-Squared Innovations once the referral is made is not eligible for a referral commission
  • The referrer shall not be eligible for a referral commission from Chi-Squared Innovations if the referrer is commissioned or paid by the referred customer for the referral of Chi-Squared Innovations to the referred customer
  • Chi-Squared Innovations may do follow-up enquiries with the referred customer to ascertain whether the referrer has been commissioned or paid by them
  • The referral commission is calculated as 10% of the net value of the services actually billed and collected by Chi-Squared Innovations as a direct result of the referral, excluding change orders and maintenance agreements, up to a maximum value of £1,000 per referral
  • Net value excludes VAT, any other taxes, refunds, late fees and payments not honoured by the referred customer
  • Subsequent sales to the referred customer will not qualify for a referral commission unless the subsequent purchase is the direct result of a repeat referral
  • The referrer will not be due a referral commission if the referred customer failed to agree a statement of work with Chi-Squared Innovations within 90 days of the referral
  • Once a referral commission is due, the referrer will be requested to issue an invoice to Chi-Squared Innovations and payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of the invoice
  • The referrer shall not make any promises about the services offered by Chi-Squared Innovations, whether expressly or implied, unless authorised in writing by Chi-Squared Innovations to do so
  • This referral agreement does not grant the referrer any rights or interest in any of Chi-Squared Innovations' trademarks, logos or intellectual property
  • The relationship of the referrer to Chi-Squared Innovations is that of independent contractor, not employee, not partner, not franchisee, and the referrer is not affiliated with Chi-Squared Innovations except as an independent referrer
  • The referrer will not enter into any agreement on behalf of Chi-Squared Innovations
  • Any expense incurred by the referrer remain the responsibility of the referrer
  • This referral agreement is not exclusive to any single referrer
  • The referrer will maintain confidentiality with respect to the relationship between the referred customer and Chi-Squared Innovations, including regarding confidential information and intellectual property
  • The referrer may do follow-up enquiries with the referred customer and Chi-Squared Innovations to confirm purchase
  • The referrer and Chi-Squared Innovations shall indemnify, defend and hold the other party (and any other relation to the other party) harmless against any and all claims of whatsoever nature arising from misrepresentation, default, misconduct, failure to perform or any other act related to this referral agreement​
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