The FREE Plan
RRP £1200
Perfect for small datasets*
No credit card required
*FREE For Your Small Datasets
Clean your dataset for FREE if it is up to 10 columns and 250 rows
**PAYG For Your Larger Datasets
Clean your data from only 10 credits per column - even on the Free Plan!
Top Up Your Credits Any Time
Credits cost up to £1 per credit, just top up whenever you need more
Hot Tip
The first 100 credits of all analyses are completely FREE!
Chi-Squared Innovations
Clean your small datasets for free and pay per column for your larger datasets.
Don't have a budget for DataKleenr? No problem - there are loads of ways to earn credits so you can use DataKleenr free forever!
Translates the Data You Have
Into the Data You Need
Trusted by hundreds of users, businesses and universities around the globe
(in just the first 3 months since launch!).