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45+ Awesome Gifts for Data Scientists, Statisticians and Other Geeks

What will you get your favourite data scientist this Christmas? If you find it hard to find an


Computational Statistics is the New Holy Grail – Experts

Statistics is a strange beast. As important as it is, I would guess that more than 90% of


3 Crucial Tips for Data Processing and Analysis

Let’s say you have collected your data and have a nice, clean dataset. You’re ready to start doing


Correlation Is Not Causation – Pirates Prove It!

Ever heard the Latin expression Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc, meaning ‘After this, therefore because of this’? It


Demystifying Experimental Design: Key Strategies for Success

Ever felt like a lab rat trying to navigate experimental design? All those variables, controls, and statistical tests


Harnessing Relationships: Correlation and Regression Explained

Finding meaningful relationships in data can feel as tricky as deciphering hieroglyphics. But understanding correlation and regression provides


Data’s Storyteller: How Statistical Inference Shapes Conclusions

Ever felt like you were trying to cross a raging river without a bridge? That's what analysing data

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