Discover how to clean your data quickly and effectively
Data is messy and cleaning it can be difficult, time-consuming and costly–but it doesn’t have to be this way.
If you're organised and follow a few simple rules your data cleaning processes can be simple, fast and effective.
Practical Data Cleaning explains the 19 most important tips about data cleaning to get your data analysis-ready in double quick time.
Included with the book:
Data Cleaning – The Big Picture, an Ultra-High-Definition flowchart (pdf) that will help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!
Practical Data Cleaning Template, an Excel workbook designed to get your data cleaning processes off to the best possible start!
Practical Data Cleaning Cheatsheet, 19 Tips to Make Your Data Cleaning Easy!
Why should you care what I say?
I have worked with data for most of my adult life. I have worked with data from the Visible Human Project, the Human Genome Project, a major European Soil Database, Medical Imaging Data, and loads and loads of Data from Clinical Studies Research.
I now help other scientists and business analysts just like you get the story of their data quickly and easily.
The simple rules for the data cleaning processes that you have devised enable someone new to data cleaning to easily learn how to do data cleaning and to become fast, and effective at doing it. I used the book to help a SQL programmer, who had never been faced with data cleaning, to get to grips with the task. I had her copy about 100 rows at random from several of the database tables into Excel sheets and then apply your approach - from Tip #3 onwards. With very little help she gained a good understanding of her data and how to clean it. Now she is writing SQL code to clean all the data in a very large database. I learned the benefits of going back to the basics. Using your book the programmer learned much more about understanding data and how to clean it than she would have done than if I had tried to teach the same skills through writing SQL code.
“My Mission Is To Unleash Your Inner Data Ninja”
Lee Baker
Practical Data Cleaning
Learn how to clean your data efficiently and stop wasting your time.