Discover the world of Lying with Graphs and Charts

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Graphs Don’t Lie
  • ln 9 witty chapters, this book will take you on a roller coaster tour of graphical lies, pictorial deceits and pie charts of mayhem.
  • It will reveal the secrets of how the statistical hustlers use graphs and charts to manipulate and misrepresent for political or commercial gain – and often get away with it.

Best of all:

  • No technical or statistical jargon – it is written in plain English
  • Packed with visually intuitive examples
  • And, above all, it's great fun!

They're lying to you

They're lying to you all the time.

Politicians, journalists, corporations... They all do it. They manipulate the way they present their data so you end up seeing what they want you to see.

And if you're not paying attention you'll fall for their lies.

Did you know that between them, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney enjoyed a total of 193% support from Republican candidates in the 2012 US primaries?

It must be true – it was on a pie chart broadcast on Fox News.

Did you also know that the number 34 is smaller than 14, and zero is much bigger than 22?

Honest, it’s true, it was published in a respectable national newspaper after the 2017 UK General Election. 

If you don't want to be taken for a fool again, get this book and discover the secrets of how the statistical hustlers use graphs and charts to manipulate and misrepresent for political or commercial gain – and often get away with it.

Lee Baker - CEO Chi-Squared Innovations

About the author

Lee Baker is an award-winning software creator. With decades of experience in science, statistics and artificial intelligence, he has a passion for telling stories with data. Insisting that data analysis is much simpler than we think it is, he authors friendly, easy-to-understand books that teach the fundamentals of data analysis and statistics. As the CEO of Chi-Squared Innovations, one day he’d like to retire to do something simpler, like crocodile wrestling.

Dr. Lee Baker

"My mission is to unleash your inner data ninja."

Graphs Don't Lie


In this astonishing book, award winning statistician and author Lee Baker uncovers how politicians, the press, corporations and other statistical conmen use graphs and charts to deceive their unwitting audience.

Written as a layman’s guide to lying, cheating and deceiving with graphs, there’s not a dull page in sight!

Discover the exciting world of graphical lies.

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